I tend to do that.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Things Which Shouldn't Be In Question, Part I

A few things have come up in my Internet surfing over the past few days which some people apparently believe are open to interpretation. They are not.

1) Cheesecake is awesome. This is a fact. Even bad cheesecake is better than no cheesecake at all.

2) Nala is a Disney Princess. I've heard tales of epic flamewars on this subject, but it seems pretty straightforward to me. If Cinderella & Belle can become 'Disney Princesses' simply by marrying royalty, so can Nala.

3) [Spoiler Alert] Spike Spiegel dies at the end of Cowboy Bebop. I hear there are people who think he might have survived, but it just didn't happen. He's on a narrative express train to 'Tragically Deceased' throughout the entire series. By the end of Session #26, Julia is dead, Mao & Annie are dead, Vicious cuts him practically in half before HE dies. Spike's two reasons to live (True Love & Vengeance) have reached their conclusions. His catchphrase is "I've been seeing the past in one eye and the present in the other." He doesn't claim to see a future. He no longer has a reason to go on, psychologically or narratively. He gets his final moment of badass wit, then he keels over. Doves fly by from out of nowhere. Indoors. Immediately after a noisy gunbattle and massive explosion which should have scared off every bird within a mile. If John Woo has ever taught us anything, it is that Inappropriate Doves = Dead Dude. A boys' choir starts singing in Latin. This is not subtle symbolism we're dealing with here. He is an ex-Spike.

I'm glad we got that cleared up.


  1. Only 1 point about Bebop - I totally agree that he's dead-dead-dead (there's even fucking doves flying) but the eye thing may be explained a bit by the Japanese language; there is no future tense in Japanese. There is only past, and present/future. The intention may very well not include the future, but strictly speaking it may be grammar-based.

  2. Intriguing. I'll leave that bit out of any future arguments on the topic, then... It's circumstantial at best, in any case.
